Focusing on Kubernetes security, we have to go through container security and their runtimes. All in all, clusters without containers running does not make much sense. Hardening workloads often is much harder than hardening the cluster itself. Let’s start with container configuration.

Basic Rules for Containers

There are two ways how you can get a container image you want to run. You can build it, or you can use an existing one. If you create your own containers, then you have more control over the process and you have a clear vision of what is inside. But it is now your responsibility to make that image as secure as possible. There are plenty of rules to make your container safer, and here we share the best practices to ensure that.

Minimal Image

First of all, if you want to start fast, you set some base images with plenty of features built-in. But in the end, it is not a good idea. The larger the base is, the more issues may occur. For example, the **nginx **image hosted on Docker Hub has 98 known vulnerabilities, and node has more than 800. All of those issues are inherited automatically by your container – unless you mitigate each one in your custom layers. Please take a look at the graph below that shows how the number of those vulnerabilities grows.


So you have to decide if you really need that additional functionality. If not, then you can use some smaller and simpler base images. It will, for sure, lower the number of known vulnerabilities in your container. It should lower the size of the container dramatically as well.

FROM node -> FROM ubuntu

If you really want only your application running in the container, then you can use Docker’s reserved, minimal image scratch:

FROM scratch

COPY hello /

CMD [“/hello”]

User vs Root

Another base rule that you should embrace are the privileges inside the container. If you do not specify any, then it uses the root user inside the container. So there is a potential risk that it gets root access on the Docker host. To minimize that threat, you have to use a dedicated user/group in the Docker image. You can use the USER directive for this purpose:

FROM myslq COPY . /app

RUN chown

-R mysql:mysql /app

USER mysql

As you can see in the above example some images have an already defined user, that you can use. In mysql, it is named mysql (what a surprise!). But sometimes you may have to create one on your own:

RUN groupadd -r test && useradd -r -s /bin/false -g test te

WORKDIR /app COPY . /app

 RUN chown -R test:test /a

USER test

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Introduction to Kubernetes Security: Container Security
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