Last week, the React team released a new feature called React Server Components (RSC). In this article, I would like to give you my perspective on a few aspects of RSC.

Can’t I run React on servers already?

Yes you can. React has supported server-side rendering for a long time using the react-dom/server package, which is a react renderer for static HTML from React components.

However, notice that react-dom/server has a simple job: it takes the React tree, and converts it into a static HTML markup.

You have to rehydrate the state (using ReactDOM.hydrate), add any interactivity using client side JavaScript, and take care of navigation, caching, and a million other things yourself.

Frameworks like Next.js do a lot of the heavy lifting for you already, but that’s for another day.

So how do React Server Components differ from Server-Side Rendering?

Server components are not a full SSR. Think of a React website as a hierarchy of components like the following:

Let’s use Next.js as an example for SSR as it is the most common SSR framework for React. Next.js (SSR) gives you the ability to do the following:

  1. Complete static export of site with no JS
  2. Partial static export per page (experimental Next.js feature)
  3. Complete SSR of the tree (and then rehydrating it, and so on)
  4. Splitting components using dynamic import rendered on client as a React module.
  5. Splitting components using dynamic import rendered on server as a React module.

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React Server Components Explained
2.25 GEEK