WordPress 5.4 was released not so long ago and, along with other improvements and bug fixes, it introduced a feature called Block Variations. I had a chance to use it on one of my recent projects and am so pleasantly surprised with how smart this feature is. I actually think it hasn’t received the attention it deserves, which is why I decided to write this article.

What is a Block Variation?

Block Variations allow developers to define instances of existing blocks. An example that you’ll see below is a quote block. Perhaps your site has three variations of how to display a quote on your site. A Block Variation can be created for each one so that they are all styled differently. This sounds awfully familiar with how Block Styles, but the concept of variations goes a bit further than that, as we’ll see.

How are Block Variations different from Block Styles?

Fair question. Block variations appear in the inserter as separate blocks with unique names and (optionally) icons and can have pre-filled custom attributes, and inner blocks.

Block Styles are designed to alter the look of the block. In fact, a Block Style is a fancy way of adding a custom class to a block using the Block options in the post editor.

The difference is clear when you consider how each one is used in the post editor. Let’s say we register a new Block Style called “Fancy Quote.” We do that by extending the core “Quote” block like this example from the Block Editor Handbook:

    name: 'fancy-quote',
    label: 'Fancy Quote'

This adds a .is-style-fancy-quote class to the Quote block settings in the post editor.

Screenshot of the Block options in the WordPress post editor highlighting the options for a quote block. A "Fancy Quote" option is listed under Styles and the custom class name is in an Additional CSS Classes field.We

Now have a Fancy Quote option in the Block options under “Styles” and the class for it filled in for us.

Even though it sort of sounds like it would do the same thing (which it technically can), a Block Variation can be used to pre-fill custom attributes (including custom classes) and inner blocks. They’re actually registered as separate blocks.

Let’s take a closer look at the API and what block variations can do.

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How to Use Block Variations in WordPress
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