It’s Monday afternoon in the office. An email pops up in my Gmail from an international student organization. They’re asking me to give a keynote lecture about “innovation in technology.” Referred by the Israeli Embassy? Well, there’s nothing I enjoy more than representing the motherland — I press reply all:
“I am in.”
In my last couple of years as the CEO of Spartans and, I’ve done dozens of these tech keynotes. But their broad topic — innovation in technology — makes things a bit more difficult. Is it worth it to do the normal AI spiel?
Buzzwords and trends come and go in the tech world. Years ago it was Big Data, and then Chatbots & Blockchain, and now it’s AI all around. Quantum Computing is getting warmer.
That’s great, but…
What would a hungry-to-learn crowd of future tech entrepreneurs find actually interesting? That’s the question I asked myself when I started trying to build presentations. I abandoned a few before I settled, finally, on one topic.

#augmented-intelligence #entrepreneur #artificial-intelligence #emerging-technology #ai

Augmented Intelligence for Intelligent Entrepreneurs TL;DR
1.30 GEEK