Great Learning brings you to this live session on “Introduction to Javascript”. In this session, you will understand what JavaScript is and cover a variety of important topics such as, how to write JS code and where to write a JS code (inline, internal and external) including comments. You will also understand JavaScript properties including why JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language and why it’s a weakly-typed programming language. This session will include 5 primitive JavaScript data types, discussing how to check the data type of a variable and some commonly asked questions based on the same. Then you will understand the concept of a variable, how to write them and what is the naming convention that one should follow for variables. In the end, you will understand conditional statements including if-else, nested if-else, etc. followed by loops wherein we will discuss while loop, for loop, etc. and some important operators such as arithmetic operators, bitwise operators, logical operators etc.

#javascript #programming #node #vue #react

Intro to JavaScript | Javascript Tutorials for Beginners | Learn Javascript
26.50 GEEK