Do while Loop in C++ Example | C++ Do-while Loop Program is today’s topic. Before understanding do while loop, we must have an idea of what loops are and what it is used for. Loops are used when we want a particular piece of code to run multiple times. We use loops to execute the statement of codes repeatedly until a specific condition is satisfied. It eases the work of the programmer and also shortens the code length.

For example, if we want to print a table of particular numbers then with without loops, we had to do calculations multiple times and write different print statements, but with the help of loop, we can write 2-3 lines of code specifying the conditions for the table to print with different iterative variables. It eases the human effort to a very high extent.

Do while Loop in C++

Do while loops are used to iterate over a block of code multiple times. If we are not sure about the number of iterations, then it is of best practice to use the do-while loop.

There are three types of loops  for loop,  while loop and do-while loop. In this tutorial, we are going to learn about do-while loop.

Note: Do while loop is executed once always because in a do-while loop condition is checked after the loop body.

#c++ #do while loop

Do while Loop in C++ Example | C++ Do-while Loop Program
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