Function Overriding in C++ Example | C++ Function Overriding is today’s topic. For understanding function overriding, we need to be aware about the concepts of inheritance. Inheritance has a concept in which we can derive the child class from the parent class(also known as derived and base class). The derived class inherits the properties of a base class. It enables you to provide a specific implementation of the function which is already provided by its base class.

Function Overriding in C++

If both the parent and child class have a member function with the same name and the same number of arguments, then we have to create an object of the child class, and we call the member function present in both the child and parent class with the very same name and an equal number of arguments. Then the member function of the child class is called, and the member function of the base class is ignored. This concept is known as function overriding. We have already seen the  Function Overloading in C++ in this blog.

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Function Overriding in C++ Example | C++ Function Overriding
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