Today, many developers use Visual Studio Code Extensions as their code editor.

The popularity of VS Code Extensions amongst developers is the simplicity and feasibility of this code editor powered by various developer tools, debugging facility, code completion, support for multiple languages, various extensions, and much more.

Since VS Code is one of the best code editors for developers, using it to the fullest is the key. For this, you need Visual Studio extensions that can help you improve your experience.

Here’s a list of 20 Visual Studio Code extensions that you can easily install.

List of Visual Studio Code Extensions

When we add extensions to IDE, we can improve the speed of work and quality. As Visual Studio Code is the best IDE known to us, check 20 extensions of VSCode, enhancing developer productivity.

1. Live Server

Live Server helps you with a local server for development that has a feature to reload dynamic or static pages live. This means that every change will be observed in the browser whenever you save your project and code.

Live Server will empower you to quickly find errors, which means you can perform some experiments rapidly and try something with your code.

2. Settings Sync

If you want to sync your VSCode’s settings, keyboard customizations, launch file, snippet folder, VSCode extensions, etc across multiple systems, you need just one extension, Settings Sync.

The significant benefit of having Settings Sync is the ability to use your desired IDE on any device of choice. This will save you from the trouble of starting a new environment on a new device or manually setting up things.

3. Prettier

When you have an entire team working on one project, you need Prettier. It is a code formatter that helps you implement a consistent style.

You can change the settings to change code formatting once you save it. This decreases the time and effort that you need to spend on code formatting.

4. Bracket Pair Colorizer

While Bracket Pair Colorizer offers the most specific feature, it helps a lot, and here’s why:

With this VSCode extension, you can assign matching colors to closing and opening brackets.

This helps you match brackets and find the missing ones. In fact, with the help of this extension, you can configure customized brackets too.

5. Git History

When you want a git log visual, you need the VSCode extension Git History. You don’t need to look in the terminal for the git log.

Additionally, this Visual Studio extension is quite remarkable, as it will help you compare commits, branches, and files.

It is even possible to look for avatars of Github.

6. Git Lens

Git Lens is one of the powerful VSCode extensions on our list. It helps you view why and how code lines were modified over time. You can gain deep insights into how your code was evolved or modified over time.

If you don’t like particular settings, you can modify and customize the extension according to your requirements. For instance, if line blame annotations seem distracting, you can easily switch them off or customize the behavior.

7. jQuery Code Snippets

It is not possible to remember every function of the JavaScript library, and this extension eliminates the requirement to memorize jQuery Code Snippets.

Installing this VSCode extension will give you quick access to a wide library containing more than 130 jQuery snippets. Just type jq to access these snippets.

8. Docket Support

Docker Support is currently in trend for Visual Studio Code. If you have VSCode, you can use this extension to add commands, syntax highlights, snippets, and docker files.

It is possible to easily launch and make containerized apps, automatically make dockerfiles, and add snippets to your dockerfiles.

9. Auto Import

When you import, this VSCode extension will look for parses automatically and offer you code completions and actions. This Visual Studio extension Auto Import can be used with TSX and TypeScript.

It is important to note that you can easily scan larger projects with Auto Import and merge imports.

10. Evermonkey

When in the office or at home, almost everyone uses Evernote on their phones or desktops, or laptops for taking notes. You can quickly improve your efficiency with this app.

Similarly, Evermonkey helps you improve the quality of your code. It is a Visual Studio Extension for Evernote, which caches data to eliminate repetitive requests. Simply put, you get Evernote in Visual Studio.

11. Chrome Debugger

If you frequently need to debug your JS code, then you need Debugger for Chrome. It is a VSCode extension created by Microsoft for JS code debugging.

When compared to other Visual Studio Code debugging extensions, this extension is smooth and efficient. You get the power to set up a breakpoint, debug dynamic scripts, and many more.

12. EditorConfig for VS Code

We have observed various cases where the team utilizes more than one IDEs or code editor. In this case, you need EditorConfig for VS Code. It helps in maintaining the consistency of code format.

It is possible to define tab, indenting styles, and beginning/ending of lines. There’s a text editor that allows you to follow and read defined style rules.

13. TODO Parser

If you are always stuck with TODO parsing in your project’s working files, then VSCode extension TODO Parser is the key. With the help of this extension, it is possible to parse TODOs of various lines and improve the workflow.

You can find a TODO counter in the current document’s status bar. It contains all the TODOs.

There are options to parse multiple or one TODO at one time.

14. Auto Close Tag

It is already tricky to code and find errors, and you don’t want to be finding errors in tag closing. This is why you need the Auto Close Tag VSCode extension.

If you install this extension, you automatically include the closing bracket whenever there’s an opening tag. Your cursor will be automatically positioned in the middle of these two tags.

15. Code Spell Checker

Since many of us are non-native speakers of English, it can be hard to check the code’s spellings every time.

This Code Spell Checker Visual Code extension is designed to free your code from errors and typos. Even when you are fluent in the language, typos and errors can happen, which is why Code Spell Checker is a life-saver!

It reduces your work and helps you save time.

16. Ngbootstrap Snippets

The NgBootstrap Snippets Visual Code extension has Bootstrap 4 and Angular snippets. You just need to type ngb to get a snippets’ list and press enter to unfold any snippet.

The VSCode extension provides drop-down, alerts, progress bar, and various other snippets which are used very frequently.

17. View in Browser

During code, many developers have a habit of checking the code in the browser to see efficiency. If you are one of these people, then the View in Browser VSCode extension renders your HTML files.

You can edit from the context menu or command menu. It is possible to set up the browser for rendering according to your choice and feasibility, as it supports Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

18. Bower

Bower imparts package management abilities, and you get access to various Bower commands in your Visual Studio Code only.

This VSCode extension can be used to uninstall, install, update, and search packages seamlessly.


When you need to connect your systems to your database, the MSSQL extension is a valuable addition to your list. It allows your team to effortlessly access data.

Further, you can make command shortcuts, manage and create connection profiles, connect to Azure SQL database, SQL Data Warehouse, etc., and evaluate scripts.

20. TypeScript Hero

As you are coding in TypeScript, you can refract and check it with TypeScript Hero. It is a powerful VSCode extension that helps you include missing imports, fixing errors, and organizing imports.

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Top 20 Visual Studio Code Extensions That You Need For Developer Productivity
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