Microservices tied together with RabbitMQ and Couchbase

In my previous article Java Configuration for Docker, I took a set of microservices, made Docker images from them, and tested it all out using Docker Compose. Now I will take it one step closer to production-ready by migrating all of that to Kubernetes. Kubernetes will give me the orchestration aspects to scale my system up and down as needed, plus the possibility of industrial-strength monitoring.

But first I should make some decisions. The services are reliant on RabbitMQ and Couchbase. Should these components run inside of Kubernetes or outside? There are pros and cons of each that I could write a whole article on, but I’m going to make the decision to run them inside Kubernetes, making this article more about running things in Kubernetes, than the intricacy and infinite possibilities of running them stand-alone. If I was implementing this in a production environment, I would strongly consider running them stand-alone.

#java #docker #kubernetes #microservices

Running Java Microservices in Kubernetes
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