Java programming language is often said to be too complicated and cumbersome in terms of building simple applications. However, Java provides a stable platform that offers an extremely mature ecosystem which makes it possible for developers to create robust software without much hassle.

The Spring Framework – one of the many powerful frameworks present in the Java ecosystem – brings with it a collection of configuration and programming models to simplify the development and testing of applications in Java.

In this article, we’ll go through some of the useful features of the STS IDE (Eclipse Spring Tool Suite), which are useful for you when developing Spring Boot projects or applications in Eclipse. We’ll talk about the various benefits of STS as opposed to the traditional way of building Spring applications with Eclipse.

Then, we’ll look at how to bootstrap an application, how to execute it, and eventually, how to add additional dependencies. Finally, we’ll conclude this tutorial by adding applications arguments.

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How To Create Spring Boot Project In Eclipse
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