15 Best React Tabs Components for Building Beautiful and Interactive UIs

Explore the 15 best React tabs components to help you organize and navigate your content in a beautiful and interactive way. These components offer a wide range of features, such as customizable styles, animations, and interactions.

1. React Tabs

React tabs with hooks.

React Tabs

Demo: https://jeetiss.github.io/tabs/

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2. React Cool Tabs

Very comfortable package to use tabs.

React Cool Tabs

I looked for a tabs package that i can custom each tab and content the way i want.
for example different borderBottom on each tab.

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3. FlexLayout

FlexLayout is a layout manager that arranges React components in multiple tab sets, these can be resized and moved.


  • splitters
  • tabs
  • tab dragging and ordering
  • tabset dragging (move all the tabs in a tabset in one operation)
  • dock to tabset or edge of frame
  • maximize tabset (double click tabset header or use icon)
  • tab overflow (show menu when tabs overflow)
  • border tabsets
  • submodels, allow layouts inside layouts
  • tab renaming (double click tab text to rename)
  • themeing - light and dark
  • touch events - works on mobile devices (iPad, Android)
  • add tabs using drag, indirect drag, add to active tabset, add to tabset by id
  • preferred pixel size tabsets
  • headed tabsets
  • tab and tabset attributes: enableHeader, enableTabStrip, enableDock, enableDrop…
  • customizable tabs and tabset header rendering
  • esc cancels drag
  • typescript type declarations included
  • supports overriding css class names via the classNameMapper prop, for use in css modules


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4. React Responsive Navbar

Navbar component that moves the navbar items to a dropdown, if they do not fit in the content area.

React Responsive Navbar

Demo: https://opuscapita.github.io/react-responsive-navbar/

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5. React Tabs Redux

Simple, fully customizable React tabs component that can be used in plain React application or with any Flux-like architecture with external application state, e.g. Redux.

React Tabs Redux

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6. React Draggable Tabs

The plugin is inspired by Atom and allows you to use these beautiful tabs in your React App

React Draggable Tabs

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7. React Aria Tabpanel

A React component that helps you build accessible tabs, by providing keyboard interactions and ARIA attributes described in the WAI-ARIA Tab Panel Design Pattern.

React Aria Tabpanel

View demo : https://davidtheclark.github.io/react-aria-tabpanel/demo/

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8. React Tabtab

A mobile support, draggable, editable and api based Tab for ReactJS.

React Tabtab


  • Mobile supported — Touch support. Easy to use on mobile device
  • Draggable tab — Support drag and drop tab
  • Add & Delete — Tab can be added and deleted
  • Async content — Lazy load panel content
  • Customizable style — Based on styled-components, super easy to customize tab style
  • API based — All actions are controllable
  • ARIA accessible

Demo: https://ctxhou.github.io/react-tabtab/

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9. React Tabbordion

Universal, semantic and accessible React state managing components for creating Accordions and Tabs

React Tabbordion

Demo : https://merri.github.io/react-tabbordion/

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10. React Draggable Tab

Atom like draggable tab react component.

React Draggable Tab

Demo: http://georgeosddev.github.io/react-draggable-tab/example/

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11. Faster React Tabs

Faster React Tabs is a flexible and context-agnostic React component used to render accessible and simple tabs.

Faster React Tabs

Making accessible tabs is not an easy task. Fortunately, this React component is built with all the good practices about tabs in mind. On top of that, it provides a non-JavaScript fallback for users with JS disabled or server-side rendering.

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12. React Tabs

An accessible and easy tab component for ReactJS.

React Tabs

Demo: http://reactcommunity.org/react-tabs/

13. React Tabs Navigation

React tabs navigation is a nice react component that enables navigation through tabs in your web app.

React Tabs Navigation

This react component enables navigating through tabs in your web app.

Demo: https://pep.rodeja.me/react-tabs-navigation/

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14. React Accessible Tabs

An accessible React tabs component, ported from my vanilla JS plugin.

React Accessible Tabs

Demo: https://stowball.github.io/react-accessible-tabs/

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15. Material Tabs

A simple React package that provides the Material Design tab component.

Material Tabs

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15 Best React Tabs Components for Building Beautiful and Interactive UIs
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