Git is a version control system that developers use all over the world. It helps you track different versions of your code and collaborate with other developers.

If you are working on a project over time, you may want to keep track of which changes were made, by whom, and when those changes were made. This becomes increasingly important if you end up having a bug in your code! Git can help you with this.

But Git can also be a bit scary and confusing when you first start learning it, so in this article I will introduce Git in a humanly understandable way. We’ll cover topics such as repositories, commits, branches and much more, so let’s get started!

Here’s what we’ll go over in this article:

  • What is Git?
  • What is GitHub?
  • How to get started using Git
  • How does Git track changes?
  • A typical Git workflow
  • Online course to learn Git version control

#git #github #developer #programming

What is Git? A Beginner's Guide to Git Version Control
2.15 GEEK