Over the past few years, Serverless has become the fastest-growing cloud service model. Almost all cloud vendors have Serverless offerings that support a wide range of use cases, including APIs, RealTime Messaging, Data Processing, Dev Ops, etc.

Similarly, VueJS has become one of the leading frontend frameworks as of now. While writing this article, I was quite surprised to see that VueJS has more Github stars than Angular or React.

In this article, I’ll show you how easy it is to build a real-time chat application using VueJS at the frontend and a GraphQL API deployed on AWS AppSync at the backend. I’ll be using AWS Amplify to speed up the implementation.

Amplify is a full-stack application building framework that reduces a lot of pain developing and deploying Serverless applications on the AWS cloud.

Use it to maximize code reuse, collaborate on independent components, and build apps that scale.

#graphql #serverless #web-development #vuejs

How to Build a Realtime Chat App using VueJS and Serverless
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