Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is easy to pick up and begin with the basics. It is a general-purpose language and can be used for more a lot of things other than just web development. To get a job, you need to go beyond learning just the basics and have a solid understanding of the complexities involved in the language.

Many students have asked if learning Python is good enough to get a job if programming can fetch you a good job and so on. Well, it depends on a lot of factors. Therefore, we are going to suggest two basic levels of learning Python before we move on to the job qualifications.


At an initial level, Python is an easy language, to begin with, and start your learning. You can easily learn how to create variables and loops, expand beyond to lists, tuples and dictionaries. Any Python newbie needs to understand the different types: immutable, meaning that an object cannot be changed, like tuples and strings; immutable, meaning that the object’s value can’t change itself, but the variable containing the object can.

Moreover, learning Python deals with object-oriented programming, and how to create classes and instantiate objects. You need to learn how to use exceptions and exception handlers, how do modules interact, and other technical aspects. Here are some python projects for beginners that you can try to understand more concepts of the langauge.

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Does Python Skills Equal Getting a Coding Job?
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