Angular Interview Questions 2021-Part 1 (1–45)

Recently, I was trying to prepare myself for the upcoming interviews and it was a bit tough to search in google and open link and see same questions each and every time so I thought of sharing what I have found and what is most common questions someone should know if they are preparing for an interview.

Below are the most common interview questions asked in Latest Angular Interviews. These Angular Interview questions and answers help to prepare for Angular developer interviews from junior to senior levels. Moreover, this article covers the basics to advance angular interview questions which you must prepare in 2021.

1. What is the difference between constructor and ngOnInit?

2. What is the difference between components and directives?

3. What is the difference between ElementRef, TemplateRef, and viewContainerRef?

4. What is the difference between ng-content,ng-template, and ng-container?

5. What is the difference between view-child and content-child?

6. What is the difference between component view, host view, and embedded view?

7. What is the difference between debounce time and throttle time?

8. What is the difference between forEach and map?

9. What is the difference between ng-content and ng-templateoutlet?

10. What is the difference between forchild vs forroot?

11. Why we use pipe operators in RXJS. What is the use of it?

12. What is the difference between using the Async pipe vs the subscribe function in the Angular application?

13. What is the difference between promise and observable?

14. What is the difference between Event Emitter and Subjects?

15. What is the difference between Observable and Subject?

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Top 100 Questions You Must Prepare For Your Next Angular Interview (1–45)
2.45 GEEK