In this article, I am going to show you how to publish a Three.js project on GitHub Pages. You don’t have to buy a costly domain or any hosting plan to do so.

I won’t go into how to develop a Three.js project from scratch. I am assuming you know that and already have a project to showcase on GitHub pages. If you don’t then clone my repo and get started [switch over to the master branch coz I haven’t set it up as the default one]👇

This is how it looks like👇


✅Step 1: Create a new folder called “dist” in your project.

_If you have cloned the above repo then the “dist” folder is already there. You can skip this step and step 2. Jump directly to Step 3.) _

#three.js #deployment #github-pages #projects #open-source #github

Publishing A Three.js Project On GitHub Pages
6.90 GEEK