
Working with NoSQL persistence simplifies a lot of things when building applications. You can build persistence functionalities from scratch or you can use an already available solution like elastic-search or combine them both.

In this post, I will show how to store JSON documents to ElasticSearch and then later leverage its REST API and DSL to perform various searches/queries easily using .NET Core.

I have previously written a few posts about Elasticsearch and/or document databases. You can find the links in the reference section if you want to refresh some background information about those topics.

What Is ElasticSearch

Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is developed in Java.

There are client libraries available for different languages e.g. Node.js, .NET Core, etc. I’ve written some posts about ElasticSearch and NoSQL databases you can find in the reference section.

What Is a Document

Documents are essentially a set of key-value pairs.

NEST High-Level Client

The high-level client, ElasticClient, provides a strongly typed query DSL that maps one-to-one with the Elasticsearch query DSL. It can be installed from the Package Manager Console inside Visual Studio.

You can read more about NEST on this URL.

#tutorial #big data #nosql #elasticsearch core #documents

ElasticSearch With .NET Core - DZone Big Data
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