As designers, we all put our users first, right? And we all dream to work with a company which cares about all the inputs and go the extra mile to make sure they stay closer to their customers…well that was Dunzo for me.

And not just that. I was always in awe whenever I used to look at what they were doing everywhere.

Plus, the fact that Dunzo has always focused on bridging the gap between the users and partners, is what makes the entire brand more HUMAN. I could see how my thoughts aligned with what the company wanted to do, even during my interview process.

When I was at the office for my final round, I saw 4 posters which were shouting to me “You gotta be here div!”

I was joining virtually, and that too as an intern at a place which I always always had admired. But, I didn’t really know anyone, and I had no idea how everything will work out.

All of this lasted only a few minutes though. I was virtually onboarded, introduced to the entire team and was given time to adjust to the process and know everyone. What more, I was sent everything I needed, by and via Dunzo (no surprises there) at my doorstep to make sure I could work from home, easily.

Just a UX Designer? NOOO.

Someone with Freedom to do anything and everything and discuss topics ranging from Flat Earth Society to What we can learn from Elon musk while designing stuff? YESSSSS.

Well I guess that small heading explains it all. Although my official designation was that of a ‘UX Designer’, my work was never limited to just figuring the flows, wireframes or the usual stuff.

Designing screens, asking weird questions, collaborating on new ideas, taking part in research, wanting to know about stuff that is not even related to you…One can literally do it all!

This definitely taught me that as designers our job is not just limited to putting shapes on screens (you can do that anywhere), it’s much more than that. It is to make sure every ‘experience’ that involves the users is delightful, and perfect. It’s about asking questions, whether right or wrong!

At Dunzo, You can be a part of everything that happens around you.

I got to explore and work on a variety of projects ranging from the Dunzo partner app to the user app (you’ll get to see some of it in your app soon 😄), and even discussing and trying out the most bizarre of ideas with the entire team!

Being at dunzo, gave me the freedom to learn just about anything. I was never confined to a particular ‘job’ by defining what I can do. Apart from making friends in the office, I made friends with a lot of Dunzo partners too, when I would randomly go and talk to them to just know them better. That’s when you know that as a designer, it’s not always about ‘shapes’, ‘numbers’ and ‘research’ , it’s when you receive such messages that make you smile

#design #ux #ui-design #ux-design #ui-ux-design #dunzo

Being a design intern at Dunzo
4.15 GEEK