Stellar Blockchain Development | Stellar Blockchain Development Solutions

Within the Stellar Blockchain network, anchors or nodes like in a blockchain are responsible for facilitating funds transfer. Anchors also provide Stablecoins - fiat-backed tokens that the users can utilize. There are several anchor businesses within this landscape. Some notable anchors include Cowrie, Settle, and Tempo. Three standard functions are requisites for a successful blockchain network - reduced transaction costs, speed, and scalability. For the network to succeed, these are paramount. And the Stellar Blockchain Network is one that meets them all.

Features of the Stellar Blockchain :

  • The top factors determining a good blockchain network - decentralization and open-source are met in the Stellar Network/ database.

  • It has a transaction time that is quite unsurpassable. It only takes 3 to 5 seconds to initiate and process a transaction.

  • The XLM token Lumen has an annual inflation rate of 1%.

  • More than a thousand transactions can be carried out at a time on this platform.

  • Smart contracts and multi-signatures are enabled in the Stellar Blockchain.

In today’s scenario, regular remittance providers, Fintech companies, and traditional banks face a lot of friction and deal with the consequences of incurring several costs that come with transferring money through international borders. Launching a Remittance payment gateway on the Stellar Blockchain will discard all these liabilities and provide a streamlined and seamless transfer method that users will engage with continuously.


 Stellar Blockchain Development | Stellar Blockchain Development Solutions
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