5 Perfect React Avatar Component Examples

Explore 5 of the best React avatar component examples to help you add beautiful and user-friendly avatars to your apps. These examples cover a wide range of use cases, including social media profiles, user profiles, and comment sections. 

1. React Avatar

Load, crop and preview avatar with ReactJS component.

React Avatar

View demo : https://kirill3333.github.io/react-avatar/

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2. React Avatar Editor

Facebook like, avatar / profile picture component. Resize, crop and rotate your uploaded image using a clear user interface.

React Avatar Editor


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3. React Avatar Cropper

React Avatar Cropper aims to be an out of the box solution to solve the avatar cropping problem for 99% of common use cases. Most of the time you want a modal to pop up, allow the user to crop their uploaded image, and then you want to receive that base64 data to display and send to the server. React Avatar Cropper takes care of this use case.

React Avatar Cropper

Taking heavy inspiration from slack’s and facebook’s user photo cropper, react-avatar-cropper is here to make it easy.

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4. React Avatar

Universal avatar makes it possible to fetch/generate an avatar based on the information you have about that user. We use a fallback system that if for example an invalid Facebook ID is used it will try Google, and so on.

React Avatar


View on Github : https://github.com/Sitebase/react-avatar

5. React UserAvatar

React component for a user avatar with fallback to colored initials

React UserAvatar

A bare-bones user avatar display with support for falling back to using the user’s initials on a colored background as the avatar.

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5 Perfect React Avatar Component Examples
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