Lerna is a monorepo tool used to manage multiple projects in a single repository.

Working on any complex application involves multiple repositories, and making changes to them can be difficult to track and make things complicated. That’s where Lerna comes to the rescue. One major benefit of using a monorepo is that it can share dependencies among projects.

Why Should Developers Use Lerna?

Lerna makes things easier for developers by managing tasks like versioning, deployment of code, dependency management between projects, and much more. It is mostly used in bigger projects, where it becomes hard to maintain all these tasks manually over time.


Let’s say you’re building an e-commerce application with multiple repositories containing different code bases. One contains the front-end code base for web, the other contains an API service, and another contains mobile code. Now, you would use the same tooling across all the repositories, right? By tooling, I meant using tools like eslint, prettier, babel, etc. Rather than having separate configurations for each project, we can have common configs that can be shared by all the projects.

Also, if you use certain dependencies that are common to all these projects, you can include them once and use them globally to share them rather than including them in all the projects independently.

#programming #monorepo #front-end-development #javascript #software-development

Why Is Lerna So Popular Among Developers?
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