Read Videos from local path

I am currently using the asp mvc method and wondering if I can do read video in my local path using c# as my backend. Is there any suggested reference code how to get the videos. if ever that this possible I am thinking that create a c# code to get the video then use ajax to fetch it then pass to my html to display.

Any suggestion/comments TIA.

Temporary here is my working code but this time the video was loaded from project folder named "content" and my aim is to put the video e.g from my local drive C:

 <video id="video" controls preload="metadata" style="width:100%; height:100%">
        <source src="~/Content/Videos/main.mp4" type="video/mp4">
      @*<source src="C:/www/" type="video/mp4"> -----I want to read the video from this path   *@                   

#javascript #c-sharp #ajax

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