Rust has a very lively and fast-paced open source ecosystem, with a ton of contributors working on a ton of awesome projects.

And if you are asking — what can I build in Rust? The answer is almost everything.

This article will feature some of the open-source Rust libraries, frameworks, and repositories that could be useful to study or use for your own project.

For your convenience, I’ve split them into fields such as web development, game development, blockchain, and others. Let’s dig in!

Web development frameworks for Rust

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Can you build a web app with Rust? Definitely!

Rust has multiple extremely fast web frameworks — Actix, Rocket, and Yew — and you can use the one that matches your needs and preferences.


Rocket is the most accessible web framework in the Rust ecosystem for beginners. It is highly customizable and helps you kickstart a new application quickly. At the same time, it avoids a lot of unnecessary boilerplate. Rocket also has many features included, which means that you won’t need to go far from the framework to build everything you need.

In contrast to Actix Web, the framework runs on nightly Rust — the “experimental” version of the language.


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