This is a small tool I have developed to setup simple continuous integration and continuous deployment for my GitHub projects. Of course, you can use AppVeyor, Travis CI or any other services to achieve the same result (or even more, these are really powerful tools). But if you just want to run a script when you push to master, this might be interesting for you. Webhook Runner for Github
It is running on your server and listening on the configured port (http://localhost:5000 by default) and has only one API endpoint POST /api/webhook. When it receives payload from GitHub, it will loop through a defined set of rules (defined in appsettins.json) and will execute command line from Execute property if ref value from payload matches Ref value from the rule and repository.url from the payload matches RepositoryUrl from the rule. If you configured Secret for the webhook, it will compare value for the X-Hub-Signature header with the WebHookSecret environment variable (can also be set in appsettings.config, but I would recommend keeping it as an environment variable).

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Webhook Runner for Github
1.30 GEEK