Animations are very useful tools to make pages more appealing. I would like to start with what are animations, give some supplementary information, and give some animation syntax examples.

What are Animations?

Simply put, animations are changes in CSS styling, from one style to another. They make the web experience clearer and more understandable.

Let’s face it; animations are everywhere in these new generations of web

applications, whether they are triggered by clicking, hovering, focusing, or anything else. Check out  this site about endangered species and think about the industrialization and CSS animations.

As you can see, this website uses different animations to grab the attention of the user, and it is a powerful way of emphasizing the point they are trying to make.

Before animations, I would like to a step back and talk about pseudo selectors first, and then we’ll dive into animations.

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The Guide To CSS Animation
4.20 GEEK