How do you approach failures in life?

Yes, failures can be painful. But does it define you and prevent you from learning from your mistakes or does it serve as a powerful mechanism to embrace new challenges?

Our mind plays a very powerful role in what we believe and how we think. What we think about ourselves and our abilities decides how we act and lead our life.

When you look at successful people or those who have achieved mastery in life, what do you tell yourself? That they are more gifted than others, they have talent, their innate abilities made them successful? Or, do you believe success comes from hard work, developing new strategies, drawing inspiration from others, getting good mentoring, investing in learning, and through constant improvement?

What you believe is what you achieve. Conscious or unconscious, how you choose to interpret your experiences can set the boundaries on what you can accomplish.

There’s power in believing that you can improve and accomplish what you set out to achieve by looking at failures and setbacks as a medium for growth. It’s being resilient in the face of challenging circumstances with unintended consequences.

So, how do we shift ourselves from being limited by our abilities and intelligence to finding freedom in building them? How do we commit to a path of learning and growth?

Before we can enable this switch, it’s important to understand the concept of 2 types of mindsets developed by Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University - Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset.


Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset
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