Firebase provides an excellent tool for developers to test their codes locally before deploying to Firebase server. It supports totally 5 Firebase features:

  1. Cloud Firestore — A noSQL database
  2. Realtime Database — Predecessor of Cloud Firestore
  3. Cloud Functions — A set of server codes which runs on Google server. Functions can be triggered by HTTP requests and Firebase events, e.g. Firestore CRUD, Firebase Auth and Firebase CloudStorage event, etc.
  4. Cloud Pub/Sub — A scheduler of certain server functions which can be executed periodically
  5. Firebase Hosting — A tool for hosting a webpage and assets

By running Firebase Emulator Suite, your computer is turned into a local Firebase server and you can test all your codes instantly. Different module emulators are running at different ports shown below:

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In this article, I will cover the details on setting up and some tricks about Firebase Emulator. Let’s start!

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Firebase Emulator Suite
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