What is Gera Coin (GERA) | What is GERA token

What is GERA Coin?

What is GERA Coin?

GERA Coin is a payment-for-delivery app that uses cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

How is GERA Coin different?

GERA Coin uses blockchain technology to enable automatic conversion from fiat to cryptocurrency, allowing both crypto and non-crypto users to send payment for deliveries.

What is GERA Coin used for?

GERA Coin focuses on providing affordable, fast, and secure payment for deliveries. But with the GERA App, you can also send money to your peers, as well as pay for products of merchants who will integrate GERA Coin as one of their payment means.

How can I get GERA token?

GERA Coin will be available through crypto exchanges. The team has mined the 8.8 billion GERA through a single block. GERA Coin will also not have an ICO or an IEO.

GERA Coin Mission

Our team is on a mission to provide efficient peer-to-peer (P2P) payment alternatives to other crypto money transfer platforms that are already too congested.

  • Buy and sell products at the comfort of your home
  • Get your groceries delivered to your doorstep

GERA Coin Vision

Recent events have shown us what we’ve been missing: the new digital era has come. GERA Coin will champion delivery payments and P2P money transfers for all.

  • Users will enjoy fast and secure money transfers
  • Safe crypto transactions will be a community effort

Features you can get from GERA App

Crypto, blockchain, and everything else thrown in between.

GERA Coin has so much in store for our users! Make hassle-free crypto transfers and enjoy all of these exclusive security features on your GERA App.

Easy Payment Method

GERA Coin will be the payment method for delivery-based services through the use of cryptocurrencies.

Effective Transfer Validation

GERA verifies account information before validating payment through blockchain and smart contracts.

Decentralized Blockchain

GERA is developing a decentralized app that can be accessed by services or individuals interested in paying in crypto.

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What is Gera Coin (GERA) | What is GERA token
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