What is Cometh (MUST) | What is Cometh token | What is MUST token

Launched in 16/01/2021, Cometh is a groundbreaking strategy game where players can win valuable tokens and that leverages the Decentralized Finance ecosystem to create a persistent and sustainable outer space. All the core features of the Ethereum blockchain play a role in Cometh which also leverages an Optimistic Rollup layer 2 scaling solution.

Cometh is a game: as a player you control spaceships (sometimes called astrominers) orbiting around giant stars and your goal is to position yourself close to the asteroids (smart asteroids) passing by. When you are close enough, you mine tokens from that asteroid. In order to better position yourself, as spaceship can be pulled towards other spaceships by paying a fee to them. You can also play around with the fee you are asking and try to leverage your strategic position in outer space.

What are smart asteroids?

Smart asteroids are smart contracts representing asteroids in the game. In compliance to Kepler’s 1st law, the smart asteroids have an elliptical trajectory around the star. The parameters of the trajectory of a smart asteroid are drawn at random from the block hash in which the asteroid appears.

How are smart asteroids generated?

The creation of new smart asteroids is a decentralized process left to the Cometh Generator. The Cometh Generator is a smart contract that can collect all sorts of ethereum based assets like ERC20 tokens (including liquidity pool shares of a decentralized exchange) and Ether. Once a threshold of accumulated token is reached, anyone can call the Cometh Generator and trigger the deployment of a new smart asteroid. The accumulation of valuable tokens on the Cometh Generator takes advantage of the Decentralized Finance ecosystem to achieve a sustainable rhythm of new smart asteroid deployments.

What are the spaceships in Cometh?

Spaceships are vessels capable of mining smart asteroids. On the blockchain, spaceships are Non-Fungible Tokens based on the standards ERC721 and ERC1155. The spaceships have a circle trajectory around the sun. The initial parameters of a spaceships trajectory are drawn at random from the block hash in which it was created. A spaceship can be pulled in space towards another spaceship in order to get closer to a smart asteroid. Spaceships can be upgraded with other NFTs such as better drilling tools, engines or crew members that have effects of the spaceship abilities in the game.

What is the MUST?

The MUST is the ERC20 token that fuels Cometh’s economics: When at rest the MUST lets the players earn new game assets; Pulling service of a spaceship has a price expressed MUST and chosen by the spaceship’s owner. By default, all spaceships start with a pull service price of 0.001 MUST; When acquiring an spaceships from the Cometh protocol, the owner receives a portion of the spaceships price in MUST to kickstart the player’s activity in the game;

The MUST has a limited supply of 1,000,000 units, it is a commodity in Cometh. Consequently the Cometh protocol leverages a smart-contract called the TUBE to stores the MUST of the players while also putting it at work.

What is the TUBE?

The MUST is fairly distributed to the players and Cometh’s contributor through the TUBE. This smart-contract facilitates several in-game mechanisms:

NFT Farming: MUST stored in the TUBE let the players unlock perks, upgrades and rare spaceships the players can freely use or transfer;

MUST tokens locked overtime in the TUBE create DUST counters the players can redeem new NFT against.

Cometh: Optimizing The Optimism

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A DeFi powered spaceship game with yield generating NFTs.

Cometh is a groundbreaking strategy game where players can win valuable tokens.

Players compete to anticipate the movement of objects whose physics is based on the blockchain.

We have leveraged DeFi technology to create a self-sustainable virtual outer space. All the core features of the Ethereum blockchain play a role in Cometh which operates on an Optimistic Rollup layer 2 scaling solution.

DeFi 🦄+ NFT ⚗️+ Layer 2 🧪= Cometh ☄️

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Valuable prizes create competition, and digital scarcity brings value.

These concepts will help us to show how powerful NFTs can be within the gaming world.

As our game runs on layer 2, there will be no expensive transactions to slow down the gameplay.

In the coming weeks, interested players can begin to prepare their armada of spaceships.

Players can visit our shop on Opensea and purchase NFTs for use in the game. The proceeds of the NFT sales will be used to create prizes for the players and distribute MUST ⚗️ as cashback.

Cometh Gameplay Preview

MUST ⚗️ is a token used to price in-game mechanisms. MUST ⚗️ can also be staked in the Tube 🧪 contract to redeem more spaceships. Players who wish to acquire MUST ⚗️ can purchase on Uniswap and will be rewarded in MUST ⚗️ if they  provide liquidity to the ETH/MUST pool.

In order to speed up our progress and democratise access to our in game assets, we’ve joined forces with BlackPool, the first hedge fund focused on NFTs. We encourage any player who becomes proficient at our game to contact BlackPool to discuss opportunities.

In early February, Cometh will open its Optimistic Rollup Layer 2 based on Offchain Labs excellent Arbitrum technology. This scalability solution will be open to any dapp developer who is interested.

Along with the release of the first version of the game, we will launch a decentralized exchange in the style of Uniswap (Comethswap). This will handle the exchanges between ERC20, ERC721, and ETH between the Ethereum mainnet and the layer 2.

Comethswap will open with several token pairs with MUST ⚗️ and their respective liquidity pool tokens will be transferred to in game asteroids, where the players can mine them with their NFT spaceships.

Cometh is our answer to the problems that have emerged with the recent rise of DeFi.

The mass adoption we are all waiting for is hindered by a lack of accessibility due to high fees. Ongoing R&D options like EIP-1559 and Eth2 are on their way, but we can’t expect any major changes before at least 2022.

We believe that an efficient layer 2 on mainnet, access to standardized decentralized exchange with decent liquidity and a community of players collecting NFT is the perfect way forward to scale Ethereum NOW.

We MUST overcome this situation; we now have the technology to make a change. The whole industry was waiting for a solution to this problem, so we crafted Cometh to take up this challenge.

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What is Cometh (MUST) | What is Cometh token | What is MUST token
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