This is the project on which I was working for more than 2 months.I am so happy to complete it.Though it have some patches which I will fix soon.

So Previously I have developed Blog App in Angular and Firebase (Live Demo).But it was having limited features. It was also not having any Edit Operation for a previously written blog. Also, only Admin can post blogs. So now again I have developed a blog app just like Medium which is having CRUD operation. All users can register and write their blogs. Users can comment and like the blogs. Users can mark their blogs public or private. Users can also use my app as their personal Diary.

Complete Demo

Complete Demo

Tools and Technologies

  • Technology: HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, Angular-9, Firebase
  • Database: Firebase(RealTime Database) .

What Are Various Features

  • CRUD Operations
  • Authentication (Email /password and Google login)
  • Verification of mail and Password recovery
  • Like/Unlike the post
  • Comment On posts
  • Public and Private options to mark their blog public and private. If the post is private then the only user can see his post after logging in
  • Can view other users profile and their blog
  • Search Filter
  • Featured Post and Latest Post

#javascript #google #blog #firebase #angular

Blogging App Using Angular 9 and Firebase
24.40 GEEK