Every day I open my inbox and see dozens of unread emails from people I don’t know, asking for just 15 minutes so they can help me solve this or that problem.
Popularized in 2011 by Aaron Ross’ book, Predictable Revenue, the concept of cold emailing B2B prospects with a meeting request has become a staple growth tactic of B2B SaaS companies around the world. Indeed, the secret is out and everyone — and their mothers, apparently — are sending prospecting emails to drum up business. (See, e.g., 30 Sales Prospecting Email Templates Guaranteed to Start a Relationship.) And with good reason — it works!
So what happens when every B2B company sends emails to every prospect around the world? Our inboxes get noisier, making it harder to focus on emails that matter.

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Minimizing Sales Emails in My Inbox with Natural Language Processing
1.10 GEEK