Modern JavaScript frameworks exist to address deficiencies in the capabilities provided out of the box by HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, and WebAssembly. The latest stable version of JavaScript (ECMAScript® 2015) evolved significantly compared to earlier versions, with better control over scope, powerful string manipulation capabilities, destructuring, parameter enhancements, and the built-in implementation of classes and modules (there is no longer a need to use IIFEs or immediately-invoked function expressions). The purpose of this post is to explore how to build modern apps using the latest JavaScript features.

The Project

I implemented a Single Page Application (SPA) app based completely on pure JavaScript (“Vanilla.js”). It includes routing (you can bookmark and navigate pages), databinding, reusable web components and uses JavaScript’s native module functionality.

#vanilla.js #javascript #spa

How to Build a Single Page Application (SPA) Site with JavaScript (Vanilla.js)
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