With cryptocurrency becoming a new investor frenzy on the face of a rapidly inflating global economy, it once again proves the importance of alternative investment instruments in the times of a crisis.

Lately, it went as far as to seize banks under the circle of cryptocurrency-related movement – the US banking regulator recently gave a green light for the banking institutions storing crypto for their clients.

This all points to the new helix of cryptocurrency development, where digital currency slowly but steadily becomes an indispensable part of a real-world ruled by financial institutions.

As the main driver of a new crypto economy, exchanges emerged as neo-financial institutions, all the way back in 2010. The pioneer in the space was Bitcoinmarket.com, who was the first one to introduce the exchange of fiat to BTC with the help of PayPal used for intermediary top-ups.

This feature of swapping one currency type for another remains at the heart of modern crypto exchanges the same as before, only nowadays a number of advanced functionality is added up on top.

Newer versions of them encompass the whole range of cutting-edge instruments ranging from margin lending to futures contracts, which makes them hardly distinguishable from best-in-class Forex trading platforms.

That’s why none of a surprise that most progressive crypto exchanges go as far in their ambition as to get listed on a stock market.

As the space for crypto exchanges grew increasingly competitive, each one of them is trying to come up with a plan to seize a larger bite of a customer base. For that, there are various kinds of incentives that typically range from bonus campaigns to bounty programs.

Some of the most generous ones can bring an additional income of 50% on commission fees for introducing a new user into the exchange ecosystem. Understandably, this may explain why the platforms introducing affiliate programs grow their user base much faster in the first few months than similar non-promotional platforms.

Among platforms actively conquering the crypto space, Buytex steps up with the reward network comprising 6 different income models. By creating a plan to encourage users through generous token bonuses (up to 3X the original investment) and referral bonuses reaching up to 13%, this exchange also comprises a trading platform with low transaction fees, high-security grade, and undisrupted availability.

Today, I’ve been given an opportunity to speak to the CEO of Buytex, Andreas Berg. We found out more about the trends and pitfalls of the current crypto landscape, as well as looked deeper into the future potential of the Buytex exchange.

Andrey Sergenkov: These days, the rising wave of crypto exchanges is flooding the market. In this situation, what is important to succeed and not to sink under the ever-growing pressure of the current competitive environment?

Andreas Berg: When you are running a crypto exchange, it is important to understand what your strong and weak edges are. Focus on improving strength and mitigating the weak ones, that’s the golden rule. For now, our weak edge is increased competition. But we are overstepping that by focusing on creating an enhanced market offering, particularly through the number of referral and token bonuses. They will be especially attractive for the ones who haven’t experienced cryptocurrency trading before. In Buytex, we beat on the rising popularity of crypto and on the rapid growth of DeFi, what will most likely make our exchange with the rising wave of the neo-finance solutions.

Andrey Sergenkov: Although the field of cryptocurrency is relatively unoccupied and presents a lot of fresh opportunities, it is still becoming more challenging to come up with something dramatically new, as various crypto niches already become taken. What is the key to staying innovative on this dense crypto playground?

Andreas Berg: Add value. That’s the key. In our case, we are trying to make our platform as easy and attractive for new entrants as possible. Although the niche of crypto exchanges is not that novel, we are still trying to make things differently by encouraging customers to participate through token giveaways and reduced commission fees. Also, our platform gives a level of security which is almost unbreachable, what is clearly one of the most important criteria of any crypto exchange. I think, there should be no problem finding these features independent from one another on various platforms - but where can I find it all in one? Buytex is a clear answer.

Andrey Sergenkov: It all sounds very promising, but let’s be frank - the regulatory framework of the current crypto markets remains somewhat swampy. It seems to me, it is yet hard to say what future will crypto face once fully incorporated there. What is your take on this?

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