In this video, we will understand how we can get started with the Flask web framework, in order to start the process of building a website with Flask.
Throughout this series, I am going to go deeper into each topic by developing a real website that simulates an open market that different users can purchase items, including a budget system for each user.

Useful Links:
Python Download -
Pycharm Download -
Flask Starter Template -

Code from Github:

Timeline for the video:

  • 00:00 - 03:19 - Introduction to the Series
  • 03:20 - 06:25 - Set things up - Installations
  • 06:26 - 12:14 - What are Routes / Run your Website
  • 12:15 - 13:59 - HTML inside Routes
  • 14:00 - 16:42 - Debug Mode
  • 16:43 - 21:28 - Dynamic Routes

#python #flask #web-development #developer #programming

Python Flask Full Series - Web Application Development - Introduction
4.30 GEEK