As a part of my academic studies, I was taking the module titled “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interface (HCI)” where I had the opportunity to propose an AI system that could be employed to direct the traffic in the metropolitan area along with a dashboard that could be used to visualize the traffic flow condition to the control center.
Later on December-2019, I was invited to be a guest speaker for a prime-time TV show in a national television channel in Sri Lanka which aims at giving the youth the opportunity to voice their ideas to some of the contemporary issues we are facing, where I was able to present the solution as a part of my 5-part solution during my speech at day’s topic “Trasport System”. So let’s dive right into it.

#knn-algorithm #classification #artificial-intelligence #traffic-optimization #tuhan-sapumanage

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to manage metropolitan traffic
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