Deep learning is an integral part of artificial intelligence and the contributions done in the field is immense. With increasing research and development in deep learning, there has been an increase in the use of no-code platforms for deep learning as well. There are a lot of platforms that support machine learning and the processes like data visualization, processing etc. But there are few platforms that focus only on deep learning and one such platform is DeepCognition.

In this article, we will learn a little bit about DeepCognition and build an algorithm using DeepCognition platform.

Who are

DeepCognition was founded with an aim of democratization of artificial intelligence. They have created a platform that can be used to create and deploy deep learning models with just clicking of buttons and no code at all.

The problem they are trying to solve is to overcome the shortage of expertise in AI that is creating barriers in organizations in the adoption of AI and make deep learning accessible to all.

Features of

Some of the useful features provided by this platform are:

  1. Designing, visualizing and training of deep learning models with absolutely no code.
  2. Provide advanced pre-trained models like mask RCNN, DenseNet, MobileNet or build your own custom model.
  3. Improve security in AI
  4. Supports AutoML for hyperparameter tuning.
  5. Easy use of the platform by windows and ubuntu users.

Installation of DeepCognition

To begin working with the platform we need to install it first. Head over to this link and create an account first. The platform is free of cost for all users. After creating your account you will see this page.

#developers corner #deep learning #deepcognition #drag and drop analytics #no code

How To Use DeepCognition To Build Drag And Drop Deep Learning Models Without Coding?
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