7 Best Vue CSS Component for Your App

Vue CSS frameworks are great for many reasons; code is more universally understood, web applications are easier to maintain, and prototyping becomes less of an extra step and more part of the development process.

1. Tailwindcss-Vue

Tailwindcss-Vue is a library of UI components for Vue.js built using the Tailwind CSS utility-first CSS framework.


Download: https://github.com/advanced-data-machines/tailwindcss-vue/archive/master.zip

2. @zeit-ui/vue

Vue implementation for Zeit Style, originating from Zeit Design.

@zeit-ui/vue is a Vue implementation for zeit style, originating from Zeit Design. Lean more at GITHUB.

The design of the Zeit is concise and aesthetic feeling, this is an important reason for popular of Zeit. Now you can use them through the @zeit-ui/vue.


Download: https://github.com/zeit-ui/vue/archive/master.zip

3. CSSeffectsSnippets

Click on the animation to copy it to your clipboard


Demo: https://emilkowalski.github.io/css-effects-snippets/

Download: https://github.com/emilkowalski/css-effects-snippets/archive/master.zip

4. Vue Cirrus

A fully responsive and comprehensive CSS framework with beautiful controls and simplistic structure. Cirrus is designed to be adaptable to existing themes or when starting fresh. These are the Vue Components for this CSS framework.

Vue Cirrus

Demo: https://florianwoelki.github.io/vue-cirrus/#/

Download: https://github.com/FlorianWoelki/vue-cirrus/archive/master.zip

5. Vue CSS Modules

Seamless mapping of class names to CSS modules inside of Vue components.

Vue CSS Modules

Download: https://github.com/fjc0k/vue-css-modules/archive/master.zip

6. BG MixMaster 90 — CSS Background Grid /Pattern Generator

make a background grid (like graph paper) using only one background gradient property and ended up with this killer mix tape for making all kinds of background grids and patterns.

BG MixMaster 90

Download: https://codepen.io/jasesmith/pen/YZEYRL


CSS Rules from JS, change rules dynamically, CSSOM, css modules, auto vendor prefixer, media query for old browsers.

CSS in JS solution, create CSSOM and CSS rules from js, features:

  • CSS Rules create and diff
  • CSS modules with local class
  • Auto vendor prefixer
  • Media query for old browsers
  • Dynamically change CSS


Demo: https://cssobj.github.io/cssobj-demo/

Download: https://github.com/cssobj/cssobj/archive/master.zip

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7 Best Vue CSS Component for Your App
95.60 GEEK