Consider the below array of JSON objects exported from users.ts

export const users=[{
“location”:{“street”:{“number”:2179,”name”:”Avenue Joliot Curie”},”city”:”Aulnay-sous-Bois”,”state”:”Hautes-Pyrénées”,”country”:”France”,”postcode”:37752}
“location”:{“street”:{“number”:544,”name”:”Poplar Dr”},”city”:”Australian Capital Territory”,”state”:”Queensland”,”country”:”Australia”,”postcode”:2703}
“location”:{“street”:{“number”:8927,”name”:”Washington Ave”},”city”:”Cairns”,”state”:”Australian Capital Territory”,”country”:”Australia”,”postcode”:4313}
“location”:{“street”:{“number”:6283,”name”:”Calle de Atocha”},”city”:”Oviedo”,”state”:”Canarias”,”country”:”Spain”,”postcode”:94457}
“location”:{“street”:{“number”:1217,”name”:”Rue de Cuire”},”city”:”Nîmes”,”state”:”Maine-et-Loire”,”country”:”France”,”postcode”:27584}

As you can see that name, dob and location are properties that in turn have objects as values.

We shall a create a table with the above JSON data and search for any item in the table using Pipes.


<input type=”text” [(ngModel)]=”searchTerm” name=”searchTerm” placeholder=”Search”>

<table class=”table-bordered”>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr *ngFor=”let x of users|filter:searchTerm”>
<td>{{}} {{x.location.street.number}}</td>

As you can see, we have a textbox to enter the searchTerm and a table constructed with the JSON data.

**filter **is the selector of the **FilterPipe **which we shall implement to achieve the search functionality. We are passing 2 arguments to the pipe: The users array and the searchTerm entered in the textbox.

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Image for post

#nested-objects #angular #closure #pipes #filter #searchterm

Filtering an Array of Nested Objects Using Angular Pipes
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