
Jenkins is an open-source automation tool to create a continuous integration pipeline. It is used to building and testing your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. It integrates all the software development lifecycle stages such as build, test, run and deploy. All that happens by running a single file called “Jenkinsfile”. Jenkinsfile is a file in which we define all the steps or we can say the definition of Jenkins pipeline is defined inside the Jenkinsfile and is checked into source control.

Why Jenkinse Pipeline

  • Jenkins pipeline allows you to define the complex workflow of your application in a single step.
  • Its functionality helps Jenkins to support continuous delivery (CD).
  • It can be pausable also. The pipeline can stop and wait for human approval before proceeding further to complete the task defined in the pipeline.
  • It also provides the feature of sending email based on our requirement i.e mail after build state: “stable” or mail after any build state.
  • Whenever the new code is committed to git. A pipeline can automatically integrate that code and start building pipelines again itself.

There are two type of pipeline you can create

  • Scripted-Pipeline
  • Declarative-Pipeline
  • Another option is through the classic-UI

In this blog we gone a see all about declarative pipeline and is syntactically easy than Scripted pipeline.

For your referance you can use my code with Jenkinsfile Here….

Steps to create Pipeline

  1. Go to Jenkins and login with your username and password you provided at the time installing Jenkins.

2. Click on New Item

3. “Enter an item name” and select “Pipeline” -> Click on ok.

4. A page opens. In this you will see the following blocks

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Simple CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins
1.80 GEEK