25 Ways to Notification Vue.js Components

1.Vue Toastify

Simple, extendable, dependency free notification plugin. 🔥 https://vue-toastify.netlify.com/

I wanted a component which I can use by passing props from the server on the first paint but which can also take statuses at run time. With this component it’s has just become super easy.

Vue Toastify

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2.Vuetify Toast Snackbar

Basic Vue toast service that uses Vuetify Snackbar component.
Basic Vue toast service with queue support that uses Vuetify Snackbar component. Inspired by https://github.com/pzs/vuetify-toast

Vuetify Toast Snackbar

Demo: https://eolant.github.io/vuetify-toast-snackbar

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3.Notification Vue JS

The Notification vue plugin allow you to display notifications from all your app. Just with one ligne of code.
I know there are lots of others but the peculiarity of this one is to have GSAP to animate your toast of a million way

Notification Vue JS

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4.Vue message

A prompt component based on vue2.0.
Vue message


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5.v Tostini

v-Tostini is really plain toast notifications mechanism for Vue.js 2.x. There is no CSS included, which means that you need to add your own flavor for it. Just like with tostini - no one will tell you how it should look like ;)

v Tostini

Demo https://codesandbox.io/embed/vtostini-demo-btc4g

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6.Vue flash message

The component to display single flash message or multiple flash messages to user.
The component to display single flash message to user. It has styles presets, but can be easily customized by passing style object as argument.

vue flash message

Live Demo


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7.Vuetify snackbar queue

Component to queue vuetify snackbars. Example on: https://codesandbox.io/s/z2v919669m

  • Extends VSnackbar component and adds items[] prop
  • Queues Snackbars displaying one at a time

Vuetify snackbar queue

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8.Vue notification bell

Vue.js notification bell component.

Vue notification bell

Vue.js notification bell component. https://mrastiak.github.io/vue-notification-bell/

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9.M message

A message plugin for vue.

Refer to the implementation of ElementUI message component. Style reference ant-message component.

M message

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10. Vue2 toast

A mobile toast plugin for vue2.

Vue2 toast

Demo: https://lin-xin.gitee.io/example/#/vue2-toast/

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11.Vue Snackbar

A Vue.JS plugin for Snackbars based on Google Material
A Vue.JS plugin for creating and displaying snackbars following the material design policies created by Google.

Vue Snackbar

Demo: https://vue-snack.surge.sh

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12.Vue js text modifier and toast notification

Simple text modifier with VueJS. Just double click on text to edit. This is quite messy. I’m still a beginner with vue

13.Cxlt vue2 toastr

cxlt-vue2-toastr is a non-blocking notifications for Vue2 ,Based on toastr stylings and design together with animate.css animation effects.

Cxlt vue2 toastr

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14.Vue Awesome Notifications

It’s a Vue.js version of Awesome Notifications library. Awesome Notifications is a lightweight JavaScript library for notifications.

Vue Awesome Notifications

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15.Vue iziToast

Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin implemented for Vue 2 of iziToast

Vue iziToast

Demo: https://arthurvasconcelos.com.br/vue-izitoast

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16.Vue flash message

Simple vue flash alert message component. It is made to display a list of messages and give individual control over each message instance.

Component is based on Vuex-flash code and inspired by old goodies as jGrowl. Currently in active development.

Vue flash message

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17.Vue notice

Updated. Fully based on Noty.js API. See Usage instruction.

Vue.js plugin accessible globally from any component to run non-blocking notifications.

Vue notice

Demo: http://ned.im/noty/

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18.Vuejs noty

A Vue JS wrapper around Noty. Developped for Vue 2.

Vuejs noty

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19.Vue notify me

Stackable notification Alert for Vue.js.

Vue notify me


  • Customizable template
  • Stackable notifications

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20.Vue snotify

Vuejs 2 Notification Center.

Vue snotify


  • 9 types of toast notifications (async, confirm, prompt, html and more…)
  • Many config options (icons, backdrop, timeout, position and much more…)
  • Repository includes 3 different styles. So you can use on of them, or create your own.
  • Callbacks
  • 5KB minified and gzipped
  • Typescript definitions
  • ESM, CommonJS, UMD versions

Demo: https://artemsky.github.io/vue-snotify/

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21.Vuex Flash

VueJs Flash Message Component within Vuex https://ahmed-dinar.github.io/vuex-flash

Vuex Flash


  • multiple flash
  • custom template
  • persist flash data in storage
  • highly customizable

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Simple, lightweight and elegant global notification popup for Vue.js.


View the demo.

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23.Vue notifyjs

Minimalist notification component for Vue 2.x
Why use it?

Vue notifyjs

  • Small: 1.5kb (minified & gzipped), 4kb (minified)
  • Simple this.$notify({message:‘My message’})
  • Has multiple themes
  • The animations can be customized through Vue transitions
  • Can be used both through npm and as a script tag

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A simple bootstrap styled Vue component for notifications. Compatible with Vue 2.x


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25.Tiny but powerful notification component

Tiny but powerful notification component with no dependencies.
Tiny but powerful notification component

Demo: https://nxtchg.github.io/pieces/vue/vs-notify/

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25 Ways to Notification Vue.js Components
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