While not a seasoned pro at either, I have tried both React-Leaflet and Google-Maps-React for two React projects I have worked on.

Each of the packages come with their own pros and cons. Google Maps was pretty easy to get up and going, however, I did try a couple of tutorials and guides that didn’t really work great. My guess was that may be due to the fact that there is a Google-Maps-React package, and there is a React-Google-Maps package (and they are different packages).

Mostly all of the React-Leaflet guides were spot on. It’s also very light-weight (114kbs!). Google Maps React does have a basemap that mostly everyone on the planet knows and loves (Google Maps with Imagery and StreetView), but React-Leaflet is more customizable.

As with any project, the choice is up to the developer.

#react-map #programming #react #mapbox

Your First React Leaflet Package
1.10 GEEK