Recently we covered the JSK13 competition and compiled a list of seven amazing games featured in it. These games had to be in JavaScript and less than 13Kb in size, which is pretty restricted, but what if you could make the size smaller? The size difference here is not of a couple of kilobytes. The games we are going to talk about are less than 1 KiloBytes because of the method called JavaScript golfing. Hence these are the smallest Javascript games you can play.

These games were also a part of a competition called 140 Bytes, which has been discontinued for quite a while. Looking at the Github codes will give you ways on how to create small and concise code. Therefore small in size and efficient!

  • Snake Game
  • Tweetris
  • Game of Life

#javascript #intellij-idea

Extremely small JavaScript games under 140Bytes that you can play
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