Naming  — Naming things is one of the most important things in software development. Names are everywhere in software. We name methods, classes, files, etc. 
Clearness  — As the main guideline, the developer’s problem needs to solve is of critical importance.
Focus — Good code should comply with the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) so that the code we write has one specific purpose and is compact and responsible for a single part of the functionality.
Simplicity  — We should always try to apply the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) rule. 
Readability — To make code more readable, we can follow the YAGNI principle (You Ain’t Gonna Need It), which implies that we shouldn’t write code upfront that is not currently needed.
Commenting  — As comments usually represent an anti-pattern, we should be careful with them.
Formatting  — We always first tend to focus on creating software that works, but we also need to have good readability in the long run.

#web dev #clean code

Some Clean Code Best Practices
1.10 GEEK