The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.06.18 are here!

It’s Friday which means there’s a new batch of content from the community to share. We have new posts on pipelines, DevSecOps, and Bicep to share with you. Let’s get into it!

Azure DevOps Pipelines for deploying content to RStudio Connect

Kelly checks in with a post on moving from push-button or git-backed deployments via the RStudio Connect Server API.

Implementing DevSecOps in Azure

Ilche Bedelovski extols the benefits of keeping security at the front of the line when developing a DevOps strategy.

Introduction to Azure Bicep v 0.4.x

Deploy your Azure infrastructure using Bicep! Olivier Miossec gives us an introduction to the latest version of this native Infrastructure-as-Code domain-specific language.

Creating a Azure API Management Instance using Bicep Lang via Azure DevOps

Will Velida loves Bicep! Learn about deploying your Bicep templates via Azure DevOps.

DataOps Automation — Deploying Databricks notebooks with Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines

Wesley shows you how to deploy your Databricks notebooks using Azure DevOps and YAML pipelines.

Using Azure DevOps for Private Go Modules

Attention Gophers: This post by Sheldon Hull goes over configs for developing your private Go Modules.

Thank you for your contributions KellyIlcheOlivierWillWesley, and Sheldon! The DevOps community appreciates your help in sharing knowledge.

#azure & cloud #community #microsoft devops

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.06.18
1.15 GEEK