This is everything you need to know to get started as a JavaScript Programming Software developer / Software engineer. We start off with the super basics and work our way to intermediate topics.

Special thank you to IBM Call for Code for supporting this video. They are doing great work to help this world in times of natural disasters:

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There are a few typos but I couldn’t get the thing to reprocess… sorry guys!


1:10 - Intro to JavaScript

5:01 - Our First JavaScript Program

12:56 - Manipulating HTML with JavaScript

19:40 - Basic, Input, Output, Comments

26:27 - Application Architecture

31:26 - Variables and Expressions

38:13 - IIFE, Scope, and Window Object

44:33 - Engines and Runtime Environments

53:36 - Global vs Local Variables

59:21 - Block Scoping

1:04:53 - Primitives and Objects

1:15:36 - Difference Between Primitives and Objects

1:20:02 - Number Data Type

1:25:08 - Arithmetic Operators, Precedence, Associativity

1:29:52 - Increment, Decrement, and Assignment Operators

1:35:36 - parseInt and parseFloat Methods

1:39:11 - Converting Decimal Numbers to Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal

1:44:18 - Number Instance Methods and Math Object

1:51:19 - String Data Type

1:57:08 - String Methods

2:02:47 - More String Methods

2:09:56 - Functions and Objects

2:17:47 - If, Else, Else If

2:21:28 - Benefit of Control Flow

2:25:21 - Comparison Operators

2:28:08 - Logical Operators

2:32:03 - Switch Statement

2:37:11 - Single Line if Statement

2:40:26 - Ternary Operator

2:45:11 - Intro to Loops

2:51:13 - Creating Loops

2:58:08 - Loop Examples

3:07:11 - Break and Continue

3:13:18 - Nested Loops

3:19:55 - Intro to Arrays

3:26:15 - Intro to Multidimensional Arrays

3:33:07 - Using Arrays

3:39:02 - Iterate Through Array Examples Search an Array

3:46:01 - Average of Array Values

3:50:03 - Fill Array from User Input Indefinite Loop and Sentinel Value

3:54:19 - Array Methods Part 1

4:02:07 - Array Methods Part 2

4:07:13 - Array Methods Part 3

4:15:00 - forEach Method Arrays

4:21:41 - Iterate Multidimensional Array with for and forEach

4:29:00 - Label with Break and Continue

4:37:37 - Dates

4:44:09 - Using Dates and Unix Timestamp in JavaScript

4:53:25 - Date Methods

5:01:19 - Intro to Functions - Functions Part 1

5:09:42 - Passing Arguments by Value - Functions Part 2

5:17:04 - Callback Functions - Functions Part 3

5:25:55 - Function Declarations and Expressions

5:29:06 - Hoisting

5:33:43 - Hoisting in Practice

5:39:56 - Functions as First Class Citizens (Objects)

5:46:44 - Memoization and Algorithms Optimization

5:55:08 - Default Parameters, Rest Parameters, Implicit Parameters

6:03:22 - Introduction to this

6:08:40 - this

6:15:02 - Call and Apply

6:18:02 - bind

6:20:29 - Arrow Function

6:25:05 - Creating Arrow Functions

6:28:56 - this with Arrow Functions

6:32:59 - this with Arrow Methods and Object Literals

6:36:42 - bind with Arrow Functions

6:39:20 - Intro to Debugging

6:43:58 - Event Listener Breakpoints

6:47:18 - Exemptions (Throw, Catch, Finally)

6:54:00 - Object Oriented JavaScript

6:58:09 - Creating a Constructor Function

7:03:26 - Creating a Factory Function

7:06:03 - Creating Prototype Methods for Constructor Functions

7:09:37 - Prototype Inheritance

7:12:08 - Prototypes and Constructors

7:14:20 - Setting an Object Prototype Using Object.setPrototypeOf

7:17:05 - Override in Prototypal Inheritance

7:20:26 - Instance Properties vs Prototype Properties

7:25:51 - Polymorphism

7:29:28 - Polymorphism Example

7:32:59 - Polymorphism Example

7:38:42 - Check an Object for a Property Using in

7:40:35 - hasOwnProperty Method

7:42:16 - How to Get an Array of Property Names from an Object

7:44:28 - Converting Object Literals to Constructors

7:49:09 - Setting Prototypes with Constructors

7:51:22 - instance Operator

7:55:44 - HTML Essentials

8:03:51 - CSS Essentials

8:14:43 - Intro to the DOM

8:16:51 - Working with DOM Children

8:20:43 - getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName

8:23:23 - Node Types and Node Names

8:28:31 - Text Node ChildNodes Explained

8:32:36 - Modifying nodeValue

8:35:55 - Practice with Event Listeners

8:41:49 - Working with Attributes in the DOM

8:46:14 - Dynamically Adding Nodes

8:50:32 - Conclusion and What’s Next

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JavaScript Programming All-in-One Tutorial Series (9 HOURS!)
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