Today, businesses are racing to meet and exceed customer expectations in today’s connected and digital world. The mountains of data generated in this digital world hold the solution. Businesses that can leverage this data to stay relevant to ever-changing consumer preferences and needs (said, unsaid, met, unmet) are going to win. That’s why Data Analytics is already a top skill sought in Retail Banking and Finance.

Join us on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, at 9 PM IST (8:30 AM PDT) for a talk by Abhishek Singh, Chief Analytics Officer of Lendingkart. Abhishek will give you insights into what a professional needs to keep in mind to build and succeed in this field:

  1. How retail banking has changed over the years, specifically in terms of data and its applications
  2. How COVID19 has affected the industry
  3. Why and how data is a common denominator in solving/tackling these challenges
  4. How Data Analysts play a role in the industry’s growth
  5. How Data Analytics will evolve In the long run

#data-analysis #developer

How To Build A Successful Data Analytics Career
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