SQL Outer join returns all the contents of both the tables are combined either they are matched or not. In the outer join, unmatched rows in one or both tables can be returned. The SQL OUTER JOIN returns all the rows from both the participating tables which satisfy a join condition along with rows that do not meet the join criteria.

If you are new to this blog in SQL, then I have previously described  Cross Join,  Inner Join, and  Left Join. In the SQL outer JOIN, all the content of both tables is integrated either they are matched or not.

When performing the  inner join, rows from either table that are unmatched in the other table are not returned in the final result set. In the outer join, the unmatched rows in one or both tables can be returned.

What is the use of SQL OUTER JOIN

In SQL Outer Join all the contents of both the tables are combined either they are matched or not.

In the outer join, unmatched rows in one or both tables can be returned.

#sql #sql outer join

SQL Outer Join Example | Left, Right, and Full Outer Join
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