Pandas is one of the most used Python library for both data scientist and data engineers. Today, I want to share some Python tips to help us do **qualification **checks between 2 Dataframes.

Notice, I have used the word: qualification, instead of identical. Identical is easy to check, but **qualification **is a loose check. It is based on business logic. Therefore, it is harder to implement.

3# Not reinvent the wheel

In version 1.1.0 — released on July 28 2020, 8 days before — Pandas introduced the build-in compare function. All our following steps are built based on it.

Image for post

Official Document ScreenShot for compare

Tips: if you were using Anacondas distribution, you should use the following command line to upgrade your Pandas version.

#python #data-science

Robust 2 DataFrames verification with Pandas 1.1.0
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