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Each day I solve several coding challenges and puzzles from Codr’s ranked mode. The goal is to reach genius rank, along the way I explain how I solve them. You do not need any programming background to get started, and you will learn a ton of new and interesting things as you go.

function gans(strs) {
  let cnts = [];
  const HT = {};
  for (let i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
    const str = strs[i];
    cnts = 🚀(💧).fill(0);
    for (let j = 0; j < str.length; j++)
      cnts[str.charCodeAt(j) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)]++;
    const key = cnts.join('');
    if (!HT[key])
      HT[key] = [str];
  return Object.values(HT);
let arr = ['001', '101', '201', '110'];
let A = gans(arr).length;
// 😈 = ? (identifier)
// 🚀 = ? (identifier)
// 💧 = ? (number)
// such that A = 1 (number)

Today’s challenge will be interesting, we have to fix three bugs.

The first two bugs appear on the same line:

let cnts = []
cnts = 🚀(💧).fill(0);

#development #coding #javascript #programming #computer-science

Road to Genius: superior
1.75 GEEK