Hi! 👋The purpose of this guide is to lay out the foundations for what you need and where to start; as far as the actual coding, I provide a few resources, but the rest is up to you.


As defined by its website, Git is a **distributed version control **system. Let’s break that down.

Distributed means that the codebase can be shared across multiple users, and the users can work on a) making changes to the code on their **local **repository or b) making changes to the code and sharing the changes across all the users on a remote repository. A repository is your entire project: all files, folders, images, code, etc., are needed to run or understand your project.

Your **local **repository contains only YOUR versions of the code, including your own branches. If you make any changes to your local repository, you will not be able to access anyone else’s code, nor will they have access to your code. When working with your local repository, you will most likely be working with the command line, a set of instructions that view, handles, and manipulates files. Depending on what operating system you are using, you can access the command line using Mac Terminal, Windows Command Prompt, or Linux Shell.

Image for post

Mac Terminal Window

BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WITH YOUR COMMAND LINE! It communicates directly with the computing system, and if you run the wrong series of commands, you can definitely change (or even destroy) your system in ways that you may not like. We will be going over a few commands related to Git, but I strongly encourage you to visit the Missing Semester of CS.

#git #programming #command-line #web-development #github

Foundations of Web Development Series, Part I: Git Basics
1.10 GEEK